MY CLIENTS are influential.
Your work and practices shift the cultural needle for social groups, individuals, movements and communities.
Your perspectives are generative: You cause people to consider different questions & possibilities,
to invent new approaches,
to release what is no longer working. 

Lucinda Pepper wearing a purple dress and purple/pink spectacles, looking up at the sky, in front of oak trees and a field of grass.

Lucinda Pepper

Purpose & Clarity

Through coaching, writing, speaking & consulting, I bring powerful clarity and facilitate personal and collective transformation.

I create and support brave spaces where the catalyzing tools of empathy, active love & kindness can be practiced.

My work reveals dynamics that need to shift from siloed and individualistic toward interconnectedness and collective care.

My work supports bold changemakers, cultural creatives, unconventional leaders and edgewalkers. My purpose is to engage people in active love practices to interrupt interpersonal violence while working to bring new and necessary worlds into being.

Unconventional & Non-Linear

My career has been unconventional and non-linear.
I have an extensive background as a trauma-informed body-based healer, teacher, and facilitator working within social justice frameworks. My superpowers include trauma-informed communication practices, working with conscious & inclusive language, embodiment, embodied self-regulation skills & embodied trauma healing practices including movement, yoga, mindfulness and bodywork.

I have spoken to audiences and groups, and facilitated workshops on healing, wellness and resilience, self-care and community care, and the intersections of healing and social justice. I have spoken and presented at:

  • colleges and universities,

  • health centers,

  • county service centers,

  • businesses,

  • conferences & health fairs,

  • and nonprofits.

Locating & Situating

I am a gender-prismatic (nonbinary) queer Femme who uses they/themme or Mx pronouns. I am a white person of primarily Scottish, Welsh & English ancestry living in the U.S. as a result of white settler colonialism. Though I live with the (improving) mental-health effects of ACEs and various adult traumas, I am a mostly (temporarily) non-diabled person.
I am living on unceded lands in the upper Midwest, U.S., known for generations as Mnisota, and still the lands of Dakotah people.